oil on masonite
The only way I know how to wait out Jack's surgery is to stay busy. So naturally I felt compelled to paint a dog. One of the many little sweeties that I spotted on my walk around San Francisco. This little guy was temporarily docked while his owner shared a cup of coffee with another friend. You might have read this before - when I go out of town, I miss my dogs terribly - but an occasional stop to kneel down and pet some fur and get my face licked really does the trick. I just love dogs.
I am hoping and wishing that you run into a Saint Bernard out on a steet one of these days and see fit to paint him or her.........
Still wishing your dog the best!
As I write this you are waiting out the surgery, so I wanted you to know I am thinking of you and your dog. I hope all will be well.
I just realized you were asking about post op care..I know your vet will tell you all, but we just went through this last fall....the hardest part was trying to keep our dog still after all of the drugs wore off. Try to keep him quiet and not excited. I carried our dog around for weeks..but he is not as big as your dog. And I don't kennel my dog, maybe you will have to in order to keep him still. Also, we did massage therapy to help the healing process two or three times a day.
Again..hope he'll be fine.
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