I'm a nervous mother. Jack, the hound on the left, is going in for knee surgery tomorrow morning. I'm trying to convince myself I've been through worse, caring for both parents when they were terminally ill. And I know this is nothing compared - I'm just nervous and worried. Although I use this blog for art, I would appreciate anyone's thoughts or advice on the post-op care. The smallest comments can be so comforting and I thank you for it.
My friends old lab had the same surgery last summer, she did fine, but was on restricted movement for about a month. She'll be fine, don't be embarrassed about being an overly concerned pet parent, I saved one of my dogs when the vet told me to wait until morning and I took him to the emergency clinic, he was minutes from death when they did the surgery for a flipped stomach and a torn spleen, and all he did was yelp once.
I also have to admit I once took my current dog who had suddenly cried for about twenty minutes, they couldn't find anything wrong, but the next morning his muzzle was swollen, he'd been stung by a wasp.
Everything gonna be all right Karen, understand perfectly well how you feel, went through this as well a couple of time. Sorry, can't help you about the recovering of this kind of surgery , the only thing I can tell you is that I'm thinking of you.
Best regards.
I am a fellow artist. I have been completely inspired by your wonderful daily blog for weeks now. The least I can do is say some prayers for your lovely dog. Try not to worry. Your love and care will count for a lot as 'saunniek' points out, and you have lots of positive energy coming your way. Also, if you know anyone who does Reiki healing, it is greatly helpful for animals as well as
people after surgery.
take care,
My pup had surgery yesterday...on her hand...I mean paw...she has a huge bandage on it...she needs a baggy with a rubber band around it...to go outside to wet...she needs lots of love and cuddling to keep her mind off the bandage...okay, a bite of tenderloin...and sometimes we have to crate her when she gets too frisky...hope all goes well with your pup...and you!! love your art!!
While none of my dogs have ever had orthopedic surgery, I have heard many many stories about the aftermath.
All of them are about how hard it is to keep the dog quiet afterward.
The only "unhappy" story I know is one where the dog was too active, too soon, and had to be redone. Even he was fine, in the end.
All those stories (I'm on a 1400+ people corgi mailing list, so I have heard a lot of stories) ended well.
Sending both of you good thoughts for the easiest possible experience!
Hi Karin, Only us 'dog lovers' truly understand what you are going through, and my heart goes out to you...I don't have any advice to give, unfortunately, but you and your 'boy' will be in my thoughts and prayers. God cares for all creatures, great and small!
God bless!
~studio lara
Hi Karin,
Those are some good looking dogs. I am a dog person (presently the proud owner of a 5 yr old Jack Russell Terrier named Tui), and I've had my share of "dog-under- medical-care" scenarios. My dogs have been like surrogate children to me, so I certainly can identify with the axiety you may feel with Jack going in for surgery.
I never found it possible not to worry at all, but I always tried to keep busy while my friend was being worked on (maybe you should paint Jack). I also would remind myself that (a) the procedure in question was in my dog's best interest and (b) I had faith in my vet.
I've known a few dogs who have successfully had this type of surgery. The owners have all felt it was worthwhile for the animal involved. I suspect your vet will tell you that Jack will have to take it easy for a while. Since, I've never met Jack, I don't know whether that will be tough challenge or just moderately tough...
At any rate, I will be sending positive thoughts to you and to Jack tomorrow and in the days that follow.
What a great photo of your fuzzy kids. I can't give you any good advice for the type of surgery Jack has to go through except to spoil him a bit as he recovers. I'm sure you'll be a nervous wreck while you're waiting for his surgery to be complete. I always am when I have to take my dogs in for anything. I even worry a little when they get their shots. :-) Try to keep your mind busy with other things. He'll be fine.
I hope your pup will be fine and happy, I love your paintings! I don't have any advice but you and your friend will be in my thoughts and prayers.
Our MaggiePie (Black Lab) had joint surgery several years ago. At that time she was a major couch potato doggie, so our biggest concern was refraining her from jumping up on the couch. If you have a similar problem, we found aluminum foil spread on the cushions detered her from jumping up. She's just fine now. It's amazing what vets can do for our best friends!
I can relate completely to your anxiety. I'd be a nervous wreck. I get queasy if I just have to take them in for something minor!
About post-op all I can think of is really wholesome nutritious food and lots of cuddles...:) Maybe a doggie multi-vitamin?
All the best to you and the pups.
Spoil him silly and he'll let you know what's going on. Just might be an unsettling few weeks - curtailing normal stuff. ...the vets should be really good with him too....Hang tough Karin...nothing worse than fearing the worse....it's gonna be better. :-)
my thoughts will be with you and your dogs
Ah poor Karen, dont worry he will be fine, you might need a lot of TLC though so take care of your self, after all if you are a mess you will be no use to him.
Hi Karin,
I am sure it will all be fine. A patient of mine is having the same surgery at UGA in 2 weeks.
Keeping Jack confined after surgery will be the toughest part. Some dogs aren't crazy about pooping on a leash. They want to be left alone and go behind a bush somewhere. Which is all the worse if he has to wear an E collar for a few days.
Hi Karin,
Edward (my partner) told me about your dogs and the forthcoming op. Of course I have vistied your blog before and always wanted to say how great your paintings are. I really admire your work. But now for the most important thing at the moment. I wish you that everything goes well and a lot of strength to get through this time. Our thoughts are with you and we keep our fingers crossed that all goes well. But I am sure it will as you love your animals and love is the strongest healer as they say.
Best from Berlin
We are all waiting for the good news........our thoughts are with you and yours....
I have been through two knee surgeries with my Great Pyrenees. The vet will give you lots of post care instructions. The biggest challenge is keeping them from tearing apart the surgeon's work once they start feeling better....in a few months you will have to watch for squirrels and cats or whatever your dog likes to chase after. Use a lead, a kennel and whatever it takes to get the knee completely healed and then life will be better for all! Good Luck and God Speed!
Dear Karin,
All good wishes to you and your beloved Jack. Take care, and know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. Here's to a complete and speedy recovery...woof!
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your dog.
Wishing you and Jack well and for a swift recovery. Love and patience will see him through this. Try to be calm around him, they can sense stress. All the Best, Heidi
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