oil on masonite
I've worked hard this week, trying to use available days to get in some painting on larger pieces for the galleries. That usually means the small, daily paintings get the shaft, but that's okay - it's good for me to keep a happy balance. I promise I'll get back to the little squares very soon.
This new painting was a challenge, to say the least. "A Sunday on La Grande Jatte" is an incredible task to depict - and no, I did not do it with little, tiny dots of paint like Georges Seurat. If you've been to the Art Institute of Chicago, it's one of the premiere works of art. It's absolutely mind-blowing, considering the artist's technique and the size of his canvas. It always makes me think of "Ferris Beuller's Day Off" - when Cameron stands, transfixed on the thousands of dots on top of dots. I also took liberty in portraying the painting in another frame - truth is I hate how the original is displayed in the museum.
Hi Karin,
This painting is absolutelty wonderful. The warm light, your color palette, you have an amazing talent. Un dimanche après-midi à la Grande Jatte is one of my favorite paintings. I've only been to Chicago once, and visited the Art Institute the day after running the marathon. November 1, 1993 was the day. The institute had been open exactly 100 years and one day (Oct. 31, 1893). La Grande Jatte had been moved to it's own wing for this Centennial show. It was in a room alone, all the walls had been painted black and the story of the painting + a bio of Seurat + the bio of Helen Bartlett for her many gift to the institute. The painting was installed as if it was a movie screen, with benches in front for spectators to sit and admire. I do agree with you that the white frame is not suitable and rather odd looking. I've seen another one of his painting at the Musée d'Orsay in Paris that was in a bright blue frame. But I've also seen the Seurat collection at the National Gallery In London (Bathers at Asnière, study for "Les Poseuses", and other small works, plus one at the musée d'art moderne in Troyes France. All in their guilded period frames that all more suitable.
I've actually been for a run on the Island of La Grande Jatte that is on the Seine River in Paris (1997). Alas, there is very little green spaces left there. At the time, what was left had a real-estate sign and was up for sale. But it did have a Georges Seurat Blvd.
You have really hit a soft spot in me with your art hopping museum paintings. It is one of my passion to view nice collections. I hope to be able to acquire one of your 6 x 6" in the future. I have inquired about your "Paris, a rainy day" by Caillebotte and it is out of my price range, but worth every $. You are a true master impressionist yourself. Continued success, your work is mind boggling and very original. I've only discovered your web site and blog a week ago, and I am a big fan already.
Love it!!!
Alvin Richard
Moncton, NB
Hello Karin,
I have been silently watching your blog for about a year now after stumbling across it by chance. I truly anticipate each and every one of your new posts - your work is nothing less than exceptional! In fact, your artwork has inspired me to tap back into my own creativity. I recently began painting with acrylics again, but I am getting the itch to start experimenting with oils...something I've never done before so I'm slightly intimidated! I read in one of your previous posts that you also made the transition from acrylics to oils; do you have any advice or tips that may help me make the leap?
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