Hello to all - I just arrived in Chicago, it's a b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l evening here and I'm craving pizza already. Tomorrow I'm going back to my old high school to visit my art teacher, who is retiring in less than 2 weeks - and the murals I painted on the walls may just retire with him, so I'll take some pictures to entertain you all. The "Tute" is waiting for me, I should get there sometime tomorrow evening - one of many trips to my favorite art museum. I certainly intend to get a firm answer on the Seurat mystery - I'll report back as soon as I know. For now, I'm gonna grab my trusty camera and venture out in this fabulous city. Enjoy your evening, wherever you are.
Well, Karin, enjoy your trip. We are waiting on the mystery ... and your wonderful new paintings.
Enjoy your trip, Karin! And when you get back - I've blog-tagged you, if you want to play. The rules are on my
blog post today.
Because I love your art and it'd be cool!
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