My day went a lot different then I expected. Frankly I was hoping to watch some holiday epic movie in my pj's but the TV programmers have all lost their minds or their jobs because nothing was on but the usual football and lousy movies. Alas.... but I did enjoy the day, ended up painting four of the artists who participated in my year-end portrait swap on my Different Strokes From Different Folks blog. Truly, I need the practice and it was my pleasure.
The first four were done today, happy to say in my pj's - filling in for four artists who did not carry through with the commitment. It should be said, there were a couple of painters who offered to back these up too, only it is a holiday today and I wanted those folks to enjoy some leisure. The fifth portrait, the one on the bottom, was my assigned swap, done a few weeks back.
I think you'd really enjoy scrolling through the whole 180 finished portraits - I'm so very proud of everyone who participated.

I think I'll take the weekend off ~ hope to see you back here next week.
Oh my Goodness!!!! These are so great, Karin. You could definitely be a portrait artist! Looks like you were in the "zone" today and what a nice thing you have done for these artists. Their dissapointment has suddenly become a wonderful blessing. Four in one day! Maybe that speed painting is one thing that gives them so much life and vitality. Great way to start the new year.
These are fantastic! And a true inspiration. I spent yesterday at my stepfather's workshop and we cut up a sheet of masonite into 6"x6" squares... enough for months of painting. I am begining the "paint-a-day" exercise and I am looking forward to seeing the progress in my painting style and technique. Thanks for setting the benchmark to which I will strive! Much good luck and good painting in the new year!
You certainly deserve a break after getting all of these portraits done! What an honor to the people you painted - these are all so beautifully executed.
I wish you a very Happy and Creative New Year, and add my thanks for the amazing challenges you set forth for us in 2009.
Wow. You were really working. Beautiful work.
God bless your generous heart! The portraits are absolutely gorgeous, your talents never cease to amaze me! I'm sure these 4 will count themselves very blessed!
Wow Karin, I was shocked as I scrolled down to see how many you had painted. I'm sorry they didn't follow through, shame on them if they just changed their mind. However, how lucky are these folks to have their portrait painted by you? I would be thrilled as I know they will be. I hope this doesn't keep you from doing it again next year.
When I saw the DSFDF site today and realized how many paintings you turned out today alone, I said whoops, several artists didn't follow through, but bless you for filling in the vacant spots. They are all so loose and fluid and a real gift for those whose portraits you painted. I hope you know how you have connected so many bloggers and the difference you are making in the art field with these challenges. You are greatly admired and appreciated. Many thanks for your leadership and advice and encouragement.
Such treasures, all!
Your portraits are great! I looked at all those on the other link too! What a cache of talent and skill!
Waouhh! What a lesson!
these portraits are wonderful!
Hello Karin, very nice works. I like your stroke of the brush a lot. Thank you for this great opportunity. I wish you a good new year with a lot of funny ideas.
Karin, these are wonderful. I just watched all four of the videos you put on youtube and wanted to thank you for all the - additional - work you put into doing those. And now those additional four portraits you did. I got my contribution finished only on the very last day, but am so glad I did take part. What an experiance!
Truly ..... different strokes by Karin Jurick.
Wish you a Happy , Joyous , Healthy ,Sparkling and Colourful New Year.
Your paintaholism is amazing.
Stupendous effort, Karin!! Don't how you did it in one day. I have a pretty good idea that a "Four Portraits A Day" movement won't get started, though.
Just Wonderful!!
I love both your work and what you are doing for the art community.
Thanks a lot for both things!!!
Karin, these are all such wonderful portraits. It makes me sad that some did not carry through on their commitment, but at the same time, it is amazing that most people were able to get it done. I am awed by how many paintings that you can get done in a day. It takes me days to finish one.
There's the gem in you! I love them! I love what you do with paint! So bold, so colourful, so radiant! The cropping just makes them look so well composed!
With this, I just want to say thank you for being such an inspiration and bringing many artists together in a warm spirit!
Wish you a prosperous New Year!
I really really love the drawing by the artist that drew my portrait but alas she has no blog...? Karin, what do we do in such cases?
Wow Karin...these are great. Did you do the four all in one day? That is amazing. I could never do that many in one day and have them look as good as these do. I've heard about your "Different Strokes" blog...gotta get involved. I would love to participate next year in this swap.
I can't tell you how much I love these. I don't think my two years of art school (a thousand years ago) ever taught me as much or inspired me more than your paintings have. And what a generous spirit you are to not let those artists be disappointed. They've got to be feeling like they won the lottery today. God bless and Happy New Year.
Your portraits are so great ! I wish I'd known your blog before. And I'd sure like to participate next year !
By the way what is "masonite" ?
Karin, I have to thank you for putting my painting on your blog, after you had adjusted it, I guess.
In spite of my previous efforts, I had not quite understood why my pictures did not fit,while they were fine for my blog, and how to manage it.Now, I know!
Next time I'll check the size of my picture before sending it to you.
So, do accept my apologies,congratulations for your fabulous work and Happy New Year !
They are smashing and my particular favorite is the one you originally posted.
Now you know why I pushed the send button so late on NY eve. Better a bad photo than a no show ;)
Absolutely beautiful! You're amazing. And so generous to host and monitor the swap, and then to fill in. Wishing you all the best in 2010, Karin!
Bravo, Karin! Bravo to these 5 excellent portraits, to your site, to "DSFDF" and to the idea which unites us all. Happy New Year!
You are an amazing woman. That about sums it up.
it was worth the waiting! Thanks for all the inspiration last year.
Wow, it's all been said already, but from the bottom of my heart, thank you for doing what you do!
I just looked at all the entries and every single one of these is a delight to look at - do you think you'll collect the physical paintings at some point and do an installation someplace, maybe a traveling show?
WOW Karin.
You are not just a great artist you are also a great person.
So good to have people like you in our life.
We all have so much to learn from you.You are amazing!!!
God bless you.
Wow. Just fabulous. The red glasses, the silver hair, the sun on that hat, and the young man and young woman with the dark hair. I love them all.
SSSOOOooooo gorgeous as is alllll your work. Thank you Karen, you inspire me! Happy New Year!
Karin, your portraits are amazing! I love your style, beautiful work!
Your work is stunning! I came across your blog through Jane Hunt's blog! Your brush stroke is wonderful! Glad I found your blog and website!
Looove the woman in the red glasses.
I bet she's thrilled with it!
wow these are great!!!
these are fabulous! I LOVE the first one, great work.
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