Sunday, March 2, 2008

"Pike Place Market"

6 x 6"
oil on masonite

On to the P in the alphabet series - the Pike Place Market. A must if you're in Seattle. I chose to tackle this scene in a more impressionistic way, the only way to contain the 'busy'.

Color-wise, it really was more muted than you'd expect - the oldness coming through - with spots of greens and reds breaking up the greyness - which is something I resisted at first, but appreciated when the painting was done.


Daniel García said...
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Daniel García said...

Hola. Siento no hablar ingles. Tus cuadros me han sorprendido mucho, son preciosos.Es exactamente el tipo de pintura que intento hacer. Pintamos de manera muy parecida.
Voy a enlazar tu blog con el mio:
Un saludo