Sunday, December 2, 2007

"On The Map"

9 x 12"

oil on masonite


I did this painting yesterday - a friend saw it on my easel and bought it. Not the most usual occurence in my life, but a welcome offer. Painting for shows means weeks of hard work and little income, hoping it'll all come around in the end.

Please click here for a larger view.

A note to art lovers - if you use Netflix, they have a great collection of artists' biographies. I find them so inspiring.

Happy Sunday and....... if anyone out there wants to send me some photos of the snowstorms, I'd absolutely love it as a subject to paint.


Alvin Richard said...

Beautiful imagery with the main subject in the light and the art on the wall in the shadows. The contrasting lighting effects really makes the figure stand out and take the premier role in the composition. Nice touches with the little hits of aqua on the clothing and skins. You never cease to amaze me.

Carl said...

Wonderful work. I make a point to wander by everyday. I admire you painting everyday. It takes me months to get ready for a small show.

Anonymous said...

What kind of snow picture's are you looking for. We got a foot of snow today.

Mary Sheehan Winn said...

The image for this post is not showing which is something I'm recently encountering on the blogs. Could this be a blogger issue or is it me?
All I see is a small square indicating a photo. I can open it with a photo program if I right click on it.
These gallery inspired paintings are some of my very favorites!