7 x 7"
oil on masonite
soldI started this string of days where I worked hard during the day and crashed hard early at night - beginning with a massive clean-up of my studio and my distribution center (formally a dining room). Long overdue. I painted four paintings, the other three you haven't seen yet and every night, just when I couldn't take the heat anymore, I'd vow to come back out to the studio and take my photos.... but I never did. Once I'm in the air-conditioning, it's nearly impossible to drag me out.
Anyways, here's today's painting - I enjoyed doing it so much. No sketching out, just the paint straight to the board. Nice and loose. And with a wide, flat brush - I backed off and held my hand more at a distance - the trick to staying loose and painterly. When I painted the aqua-blue lighting and the white edges, it seemed to take on a dreamy atmosphere, so I kept the figures in the background soft and indistinct, giving them an almost ghost-like feel. I love that.