Sunday, March 28, 2010

Proud Moments

I'm back home - returning from the opening reception for a three-artist show at the Morris & Whiteside Gallery held Friday evening - and I must thank all of you who came to the gallery, it was a great pleasure meeting you. There was a huge turnout, around 135 people, and I'd like to also thank Mother Nature for providing a beautiful, sunny, warm spring day and evening leading up to the party - it just made everything perfect.

My appreciation extends to Ben Whiteside and Jack Morris, the owners of the gallery - they really know how to treat their artists and patrons right. They sold a dozen of my paintings and continually make me beam with pride.

Speaking of beaming with pride, Charley Parker, the host of my favorite art blog lines and colors, featured my work in his latest post - please click here for that article. Thank you Charley, I'm honored to be included in your writings and observations.

To see all of my paintings included in the group show, click here.


  1. you should do a painting of people looking at your paintings of people looking at paintings

  2. It's great you had some fun and excitement, and sold paintings too.

  3. Congratulations on such a succesful show. I have been an admirer of your beautiful work for a long time.

  4. Congrats on a successful exhibition, all your hard work has certainly been worth it. The most amazing thing in the world is seeing red dots before your eyes and more to come before the end of the show I hope. They look wonderful hung side by side :)

  5. Looks like a great show, Karin. Congrats on your success.

  6. An absolutely beautiful hanging of theme, Karin. I hope the show was more than successful for you!

  7. well done, bask away and feel proud of such lovely artworks

  8. Awesome Karin! How great to end you long session of focused work with a terrific turnout and lots of sales. The pieces in this show were SO strong, the success is well earned. Congratulations!

  9. Congratulations on a successful show. You do great work and people just gravitate to what you produce.

  10. Wow! Congratulations on your show! The article from Lines and Colors was fantastic and shows how admired you are! I wish I had discovered you earlier, but so happy that now I count you as one of my favorites!!

  11. Congratulations Karin show looks great!


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