Wednesday, March 24, 2010


6 x 12"

If you do some people-watching on any beach, you're bound to see the likes of this woman, truckin' down the edge of the water - faster, I may add, than I can. I have wanted to paint her for months - a truly chiseled body of bones and muscles.

Speaking of motoring - I'm heading to the coast to attend the opening reception at the Morris & Whiteside Gallery this Friday night. I'm really looking forward to meeting a few of my collectors and friends - please join us if you're able.

Happy Trails ~


  1. karin,
    the 'truckin' is beautiful...
    you have captured anatomy with style...

  2. a few days ago you talked about body-language. It's all about capturing the age this time.

  3. Oh Karin, I love this one!! Brilliant!!

  4. Wonderful, Karin. I love how her movement is emphasized by having her almost walking out of the picture.

  5. Wow! T'would that I could look so fine now! I can tell by her posture that she is older than I and yet she looks fabulous! Loved your thoughts on her, Karin, and so glad you put her on canvas for posterity. She is wonderful!

  6. My first thought was that the anatomy, is perfectly painted. The way her hip is built and the lean of her body.
    You bring every one of your subjects to LIFE.

  7. It looks like she is going to just keep on truckin right out of the painting!

  8. Wonderful and appropriate title! Admire your style Karin.

  9. Great title and such a "real human" feel to this painting.

  10. Thanks for this one Karin. She's who I want to be when I grow up!


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