Monday, March 29, 2010

"Line Backers"

16 x 7-3/4"
oil on masonite

This new piece is another visual obsession of mine - lines of people. When there are several figures in a composition, the challenge is to enjoy painting each individual but pay close attention to how they relate to each other - mostly with respect to proportions.

That's the tough part - especially given that we're all different heights and weights. It's truly a great exercise with figures.

Taken from the upper level in the American Art wing of the Art Institute of Chicago - where patrons frequently form a line to enter a special exhibition.

Please click here for a larger view.


  1. A beautiful piece with some real powerful figures.

  2. Another great painting! Love the title, too!

  3. Hi Karen! I am watching your paintings from the Art Institute and am wondering when I am going to see myself in one :)... I am a frequent visitor, recognize all the galleries in your paintings. The latest one, which is a wonderful painting, is all too familiar. I often draw in the Sculpture Garden just underneath and watch people waiting in a line above. The Tute is wonderful, isn't it?

    Are you from Chicago?


  4. Once again, really striking work Karin!

  5. Wow , love the composition .Great work Karin.

  6. Beautiful and one of my favorites, Karin. Each person is a work of art in and of themselves. Great job here!

  7. Went to gallery, omg, a group show with one of our favorites, Ken Auster. Oh yea!!! Just keeps getting better n' better...

  8. Another prino painting. I am inspired to do better via your work.


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