Monday, December 31, 2007

New Year's Resolutions

12 x 9"

ink & gouache on paper

One of my New Year's resolutions is to add more drawing time to my day. A warm-up to something more involved or sketching something out in the real world, I just want more drawing time. I miss it.

Which brings me to another resolution - to travel more. This year I spent more time painting and less getting out in the world, mostly because of work and my bum knee. I have resolved to dealing with it - maybe a Segway is the answer. I want more exposure to the world out there. I miss it.

One more resolution.... to teach a little. I will do more painting movies
and I'm making plans with Carol Marine to hold a 3-day workshop, some time in the spring, which I'm really psyched about. I don't know if I can teach anyone anything ....... I've never tried, but it's something I would like to do more of.

Besides all of that, I'd like to keep on track with what I've been doing - painting small pieces for auctions and larger, more realized work for the three galleries. I really enjoy all of it.

Time to say
Happy New Year and wish you all the best. Dream on and Paint on, my friends.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

"Hopper House"

6 x 6"

oil on masonite

This painting will be back on a 10-day auction. Thank you for your patience and I appreciate your bidding on the original auction as well. ~ Happy New Year to you and yours.

eBay Policy

The auction for my painting "Hopper House" was abruptly pulled by eBay, because I unintentionally violated a policy by using the word "inspired" in the title for the auction. I did not know ~ as an artist, I never thought of the word 'inspired' as being a bad thing. My fault, I haven't checked on listing policies in a long time. I've sold on eBay for over four years and never had an auction pulled ~ and I apologize to those who placed their bids.

~ I'll keep you all informed. Thank you.

Friday, December 28, 2007


6 x 6"
oil on masonite


This new painting was inspired by reading an article in the NY Times, that Iris Blue is the new, hip color, and........... I got some for Christmas. Surely signs to lead me to paint this timely I is for Irises piece. I had a lot of fun with the Van Gogh-like brush strokes, laying it on thick.

My Painting Palette Movie

I initially had this movie on my website - but, by popular demand, I did some minor editing and posted it on YouTube - hoping the viewing experience is much more pleasant for more people. Please click here to watch "My Painting Palette" movie. Thank you.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

"Hopper House"

6 x 6"

oil on masonite

Back to work on my alphabet series - H for a Hopper(esque) House, inspired by a Christmas gift, a book of Edward Hopper's work. I enjoyed painting this piece so much that I'm thinking of doing a series for my upcoming show - which leads me to a request for some feedback, if you feel compelled to do so. I'm thinking of zooming in a little more on the house .... I'm not sure. Give me your thoughts?

Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas

A photo I took last night, in Stone Mountain, Georgia. Merry Christmas everyone!


Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Good, Good Friends

6 x 6"


Some of my favorite paintings are a result of not quite being ready to quit for the day. Last night, I was halfway through cleaning my brushes and I started on this small, quick piece - as if it was meant to happen. No sketching, no plan - immediate brush strokes - the way I love to paint with oils.

This is Neil and Karen Hollingsworth, my good friends.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

"Left Holding the Bag"

9 x 12"

oil on masonite


Oh.... I do apologize for being somewhat absent from my post. Indeed, it is a busy time of the year - between managing my business and working hard at getting all the pieces done for my upcoming show in February - I'm about ready for a do-nothing-day in my pajamas.

This painting is one of the works included in the show - it is one of twelve, which are all finished and I am dying to show you all of them, but, alas, I promised not to. I'm now at the point when I can concentrate on a few sets of smaller pieces, which I love to do.

Please click here for a larger view.

I know you all are busy too - hope your holiday time is pleasant - don't forget to consider a bid on the "Glory Be" painting, currently on auction. It's for a great cause.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

"Glory Be"

8 x 10"

oil on masonite


In this new piece, G is for Glory Be - a woman quietly sitting in the company of El Greco's "The Assumption of the Virgin", which hangs high in Art Institute of Chicago.

This painting was done in the memory of my dad, John - 100% of the winning bid will be donated to the Sisters of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Home, who took great care of my father and allowed him to pass with dignity. For that, I am eternally grateful.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

"Fish Head"

6 x 6"

oil on masonite


Continuing on with the alphabet, F is for Fish Head - admittedly something I never eat, but find it a beautiful subject to paint because it includes every color in the rainbow.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

A Combined Effort in Talent

We are a talented and ambitious group of artists who are now showcased together on a brand-new website, which features constantly-updated galleries of work, bios and contact information, links to our auctions, sales and painting videos as well as future events and workshops. With both strength in talent and determination, we are all proud to be advertisers in the American Art Collectors magazine. Please help us spread the word and share the website with your fellow artists and friends. And thank you for your support.

Visit the new DailyPaintworks website.

"On The Map"

9 x 12"

oil on masonite


I did this painting yesterday - a friend saw it on my easel and bought it. Not the most usual occurence in my life, but a welcome offer. Painting for shows means weeks of hard work and little income, hoping it'll all come around in the end.

Please click here for a larger view.

A note to art lovers - if you use Netflix, they have a great collection of artists' biographies. I find them so inspiring.

Happy Sunday and....... if anyone out there wants to send me some photos of the snowstorms, I'd absolutely love it as a subject to paint.