Saturday, February 27, 2010


6 x 6"
oil on masonite

I am sure there's many of you out there that aren't embracing the snow right now. But remember, I live in the deep south, and this is not only a rare occurrence, it's an unusual opportunity for me to paint something different, and I love that. It is staggering to see my world blanketed in white - almost no hint of color anywhere - the muted, silver sky - the amazing quiet. If it wasn't for my slipping on the ice and dropping my camera right smack in the snow, I would say that day was a perfect day.

I also get to play with thick, blended, warm and cool white paints - laid on thick and as heavy as the snow itself. So much fun. And I promise - the 18 new paintings you'll see in a few weeks will warm you up and remind you that brighter days are ahead.


  1. Love this painting, it is wonderful!


  2. Karin, you have depicted my winter world perfectly. (Sorry to hear about your camera). You manage to bring warmth even to the coldest scenes. Beautiful painting.

  3. Love this, Karin! So many gorgeous, thick whites. Your wonderfully fluid trees are like viewing the scene through an icicle.

  4. I think you handled the trees really well. The powerline isn't my favorite. I love the title. This scene makes me homesick for winters growing up as a kid. Thanks for sharing. I can "hear" the quiet, as you described it.

  5. Karin, this painting truly knocks my socks off. My favorite of all of your pieces thus far. I love winter scenes, though not sure why. Your brushstrokes are gorgeous!

  6. super nice work!!!
    Like how you refined yourself from colors here.

  7. beautiful.
    I think that snow in the deep South is a 'gift' for the artists. Enjoy.

  8. Love it! I think it's just wonderful :)

  9. The warm whites and simplicity of this piece conveys everything you described. How is your camera?
    Not fun to slip in the snow.
    Linda Rothchidl Ollis

  10. Boy, you don't skimp on the paint do you? Loving your thick, juicy strokes!

  11. So different and so wonderful Karin. Looking forward to seeing your new work!

  12. Oh my! I love this painting. Great work. I love the brush strokes and the thick paint. Beautiful

  13. Painting rocks! but snow Sucks!! ;)
    February is over! Yay.

  14. I'm from the northeast, but I still love painting snow scenes, just not shoveling it! And I like the powerline, it has to be there.

  15. Just when I started getting in to making winterscapes, and all the snow goes south! Good thing too, because this is a knockout!

  16. I've seen enough of snow out my northern Indiana window, but could look at your painting all year long. Beautiful as always!

  17. Great piece...somehow we dodged the snow here in New Hampshire, things are backwards..go figure.


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