Monday, February 22, 2010

"Birthday Girl"

6 x 6"
oil on masonite

You know I need a spiritual lift when I paint a dog. My moment of Zen. This cutey is my good friend's frisbee-loving, pillow-chewing, one-year-old Abbey - who is a white, yellow labrador retriever. Her fur is compelling in that it brings out blues, tans, purples, greens, pinks - well let's just say all colors in the shadows and light. Love it. I'm sure I'll do more of this sweetie pie.

and an update....... I've got 18 new paintings to show you in a couple of weeks - I'm very anxious to post them but they are in the early stages of drying, then varnishing, then framing and finally delivered to several galleries around the second week of March. Once they've arrived, I will show all of them on my blog and my website. I can't wait. Meanwhile, I have some catching up to do with real life and I surely will keep warmed up with some small, loose paintings that I will offer on auction. These small studies, as I am reminded today, are so much fun.


  1. Spiritual lift indeed! Thanks for posting this; the dogs love seeing one of their own.

  2. It's always such a pleasure to discover your new paintings!

  3. Hey, I've got a pillow chewer too! I agree, beautiful range of colors in her coat.

  4. Glad you're feeling the Zen. Cute dog.

  5. Really great color Karin! Can't wait to see the new collection.

  6. Beautiful little painting!! Love all the colors you've used. You have such a wonderful sense of color and value.

    Looking forward to seeing all of your new work. Love visiting your blog1

  7. Love "Birthday Girl" since I have a chocolate girl like this at home and it's my birthday today YEA perfect !

  8. I so recognize this pose! She is simply stopping for one quick breather while her mind is rapidly clicking through choices of what mischief to get into next! Beautiful, Karin! Love the brushstrokes in this one too.

  9. LOVE this! As another owner of a frisbee catcher/pillow chewer, you have so captured the sweet goofiness of the breed!
    You've inspired me to try to capture the silly essence of my own pup.

  10. What a fun painting! I just love it when dogs sit like this! You know they are happy and comfortable!

  11. I can't wait to see your new work! It must feel great to have all that done : )

  12. Aren't dogs the best? This looks like a happy one, full of mischief -- which you have shown clearly! Lovely light and color on her. It sounds like you've been busy painting; I look forward to seeing the results!

  13. Really been looking forward to your new work, love staying warmed up with the smaller pieces as well, and hey, that sweet girl is a cutie pie.

  14. Just beautiful! As always, great brushwork and wonderful sense of light on this beautiful dog.

  15. You've done a wonderful job capturing her mood. She is indeed, a very cute doggie!

  16. Doggy fix is truly a spiritual life (it's up there with serious sushi encounter for me!). I don't have a dog but I keep a box of milk bone in the house and carry a couple biscuits with me hehe Congrats on the 18 pieces WOW! You need a vacation or yoga retreat after that. Looking forward to the unveiling!

  17. Love the dog, and the energy in this piece. Anxious as well to see your new work. Love to hear from you.

  18. This is absolutely wonderful! It gave me a lift just looking at it.


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