Tuesday, February 2, 2010


5 x 7"
oil on masonite

I've been holed up - a painting machine. Good thing it's winter. Today, I just ended up playing with a different approach, something I'd like to develop more and more. The control factor is the key - using a palette knife in parts, a brush in parts - really struggling with that fine line of loose and tight and knowing when to stop.


  1. My favorite of yours! Love the new texture of the knife.

  2. I love it!! It has the wonderful sense of your colorful drawing skills and the loose, thick paint...bravo!

  3. Stunning! Love the loose control of this.

  4. you're raising the bar again! Very couragious!

  5. Fantastic!
    I am lost in your texture!

  6. This one really draws me in. Like the loose work and feel of light on the subject.

  7. LOVE this painting!! The light is beautiful and you captured a feeling in paint - not an easy thing to do. You have such a command of color and composition. Love your work.

  8. Truly natural light and colour , lovely stroke play as usual.

  9. Love this! Great texture with the knife. I like using both as well! Hope you've been well. Missed you lately...

  10. I've also been experimenting with using a knife and brush on the same piece. It is satisfying, and I like the contrast in this piece. I think you made a good choice to blend the bangs into the background light, and the light outlining her left wrist is just the right amount of defining.

  11. Great light from the window on the figure! Even with the loose knife and brush work, the hair, jacket and other elements are so well defined. Kind of magic how that works!

  12. This is gorgeous, Karin. I really love this style and know the journey to developing it will be a fun one. She seems like she is anxiously and nervously awaiting something...A doctor's visit or diagnosis? A returning loved one? A flight to a new life?

  13. Very nice! I love the style of this, but of course, I love everything you paint!

  14. Love the combo of the brush and knife work. Just gorgeous - I am a big fan of thick, loose knife work.

  15. I can't stop looking at it. I love that I can see every brushstroke.The mood you have created is wonderful.

  16. This is an excellent composition with wonderful texture and color. I'm in awe! You've packed so much into such a small canvas. Rich! -Don

  17. This is a really brave piece Karin. I love all that juicy paint, and it still totally reads! You must've had to step back a lot. That lost edge where her hair meets the window is perfection. Bravo!

  18. Love the painting. The texture, the light. Great ambiance. Glad to know you're alive and well, "down the rabbit hole" happily painting away.

  19. I'm amazed at the liveliness of your drawings. i visit your blog everyday and find each of your figures intriguing!

  20. What do you say to a master? Beautiful, fantastic, breath taking... I can spend hours looking through your paintings.
    Again, you captured this mysterious moment in someones life.

  21. Brava, Karen,
    Excellent on so many levels.
    Great connection of light in the window to the highlights of her hair.

  22. I love to use the knife and like the way you used both in this one.
    Great texture!

  23. I admire your courage to experiment and push youself. You are truly creative, not willing to sit back and repeat the formula to be comfortable, but always stirring with new ideas.
    And it paid off, a beautiful piece.

  24. I've loved your work from the first pieces I bought several years ago now....but these where you've begun to experiment w/ knife work in there, too! ooh- really love it. Another fan of lush knife paintings here! Definitely raising the bar (and I didn't think it could be done...)

  25. Wow. Really a beautiful painting you've done! What I notice most is the amount of lightness provided with such heavy texture - Kind of a nice irony in a way.

  26. Your work is so inspiring. This painting is especially moving.

  27. lovely blog.
    Richard Scmid has some neat things to say about painting with the palette knife in his painting book "Alla Prima". Checkit out if you ever come across it. Easy quick read.

  28. Beautiful! I love the idea of using the knife here and there like that.

    Hey, I'm in your May New York class--really looking forward to it.

  29. Nice paintings Karin!
    Found you on youtube - will definitely come back to check your
    latest! Like you, I am also mostly self-taught...

  30. Amazing!! luscious and gorgeous.

  31. Ola,
    I love this work, it's so beautiful and I like the texture.

  32. Wonderful light and texture. Love that splash of turq. on her skirt!

  33. WOW - the light is beautiful - well done.

  34. what a wonderful picture !!! it is very nice to see i want to see the picture for an hour

  35. Bravo!!!!!!

    Yes, this is undoubtedly a good job!


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