Friday, March 5, 2010

A Workshop Announcement

'Cruise Control'

This might be a workshop meant for you - my second Field Expedition this year taking place November 1st - 5th at the Arts Center of Coastal Carolina on Hilton Head Island in South Carolina. I've seen the studio space, it's fabulous - and like the New York City workshop, we'll be painting in the early part of the day and photographing in the afternoons. I picked this location because it has provided me with loads of imagery for paintings - the beach, the low-country landscapes and Savannah and Charleston are near enough for a short road trip for more.

Also, the fine people at the Morris & Whiteside Gallery will be hosting an evening get-together at their gallery for our group and you may also be interested in scooting over to Charleston after the workshop is over, for their Palette and Palate Stroll during the weekend. Should be great fun.

More information can be found here and you can call Vince Fazio at the Sedona Arts Center for further details and registration.


  1. Gosh; bicycling on sand seems like it would be such hard work! A lovely painting, as always, Karin. That artist workshop sounds fabulous.

  2. So how do I buy that wonderful beach/bicycle painting or is it one for your upcoming show!! It's great.

  3. Oops - you reminded me to put 'sold' on that - it was a piece I did last year. And thank you Jill.

  4. I am so happy you are doing another workshop this year. I just signed up.


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