Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Different Strokes

For those of you who don't know - I have another blog that started one year ago, called Different Strokes From Different Folks. It wasn't planned - truly it was thought out and created in about two hours. And I surely didn't expect it to become this ...... inspiration for many artists out there. To date, over 2,500 pieces of art have contributed to this 1-year-old blog. How cool is that?

Cracker Jack

The blog came about a short time after our dog, Jack, died. I posted a handsome photo of Jack, on this blog - and a painting I had done from that favorite picture. A couple of days passed, and I starting getting emails from other artists who had painted their own version - over 5 of them. Within 4 days, I got over 20 more. In a week, I got over a total of 55. And to show them off, I created the blog - only to follow up every couple of weeks with a new photo reference and see what comes of it. It's a very cool result from a sad event. Thanks to all who have participated through the past year.

I also wanted to thank Vern Schwarz, a painter who has loyally offered his interpretations since the beginning. The current challenge is cupcakes - and Vern painted another jewel - with a very sweet expression of gratitude. I just had to show ya.

by Vern Schwartz


  1. Vern spoke for us all, Karin. You have given so much to us through the DSDF blog. I have participated on several of the challenges and find it to be interesting and rewarding.

  2. Hello Karin,
    The first thing I thought when I saw this little painting of Jack was that he's looking up at a circle of bloggers who have formed a bond, all because of you and one very special, happy, smiling, tail-wagging little friend!

    Thank you so very much for your hard work and dedication you have put forth, both in your own paintings and with the impossible work it must take to manage the DSFDF blog. You have pushed me to see beauty in the ordinary and to attempt subjects that I would have otherwise chosen not to paint. Now on to sending you another cupcake and wishing you a very happy blog-anniversary! :-)
    Take care,

  3. So glad you offered this piece of your heart to the blogging world. Jack lives on in oils and acrylic and watercolor.

  4. Happy 1-year anniversary of DSDF, Karin! Vern's tribute says it best. You've been an inspiration to so many of us, and "introduced" us to one another by generously hosting the challenge. Thank you.

  5. Congratulations on your first BLirthday, Karen! (ooooo - spell check doesn't like my new word) That's a beautiful pup painting! Vern's cupcake is wonderful, too!

  6. Karin and Vern, what a wonderful tribute to Jack and to Karin. Like many other artists, I look forward to Karin's challenge each time and enjoy the blog so much. Thanks for the time and the joy you bring!

  7. This post is very special... I didn't know how DSFDF started, and I'm surprised and happy about how things happened at the end...
    That blog has been and inspiration for me, although I'm not participating much lately due to different reasons. It actually was the final inspiration I needed to start my own blog (you can read what I'm talking about under the title of my blog, and you can see my first entry).
    Thank you Karin!!!!

  8. Inspiring as always , your works ,your blog , your thoughts and humility ,I think I will need a wide canvas to paint this picture.

  9. Ok, is it just me, or is there a cute clown like smiley face in the shadow of the cupcake??? Love this blog -- so glad I found it.

  10. Thank you again Karin for starting the "Challenge" phenomena in the paint blog world. I have learned so much from your and others because of what you've created.

  11. It was great to be reminded of how DSDF started. It's brought so much to so many - thank-you!
    I also loved Vern's tribute - very touching!

  12. Thanks Karin, for your creative idea turned inspirational project, and Vern for your spirit and contributions. I would not be aware of Vern's work, Camille LaRue Olsen's, or Carol Schiff had it not been for this blog. It's been fun to watch the progress and results this past year and become introduced to so many fabulous artists.

  13. ...and I forgot to mention Liz Holm and Dana Cooper in additon to many other artists I now follow! You also spurred many other challenges which I see as a very positive thing. Again, thanks.

  14. Congratulations and Happy Anniversary DSFDF blog! Vern did indeed speak for all of us. We all "know" each other thanks to you, Karin. We appreciate the time and effort you put into keeping us challenged week to week!

  15. What a wonderful doggy smile. I am enjoying the challenges of DSDF but I love meeting and talking to other artists. Thanks for this and the other blog!

  16. I love the painting of your happy dog. And the story of how your other blog came to be. We lost our golden retriever last December and I'm working up to attempting a pastel of him.
    DSDF is very well known among artists here in Austin and your story of how it began is exceptional.


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