Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Poker Faces

each is 6 x 6"

Painting faces is...... can be complex. Just like the cupcakes, there's hundreds of approaches - which is why it's important to study this subject matter from time to time. The last thing I want to do is paint portraits for a living - only because the results are subjective. In this case, I know the victim - so I chose the poses that define her in my mind. I enjoyed it for that very reason.
Just something I wanted to share with you today.


  1. wonderful blog. Really great paintings

  2. I don't know your "victim," but I have a feeling you pegged her. It's amazing. I think portraits are very hard, especially when I can't quite capture the person's personality.

  3. ah jeez. I'm doomed. Those are wonderful! I don't know if I should be inspired or turn in my crayons.LOL
    Really great work!

  4. These are great. Looks like you all were playing poker.

  5. For anyone who has tried their hand at portraits, you know how difficult it can be. It is such a fight to get a likeness of the subject. Great work here!

  6. You and your work are amazing, Karin...
    Thank you for sharing it and for encouraging the rest of us!!

  7. Karin, these are wonderful; and of course portrait work is subjective, just like when Sinatra sings a song only the way he can sing it; that's what you do with paint

    : D

  8. Was your Jack a Bernese Mountain Dog? He is beautiful; quite the handsome guy. I thank you for the DSfDF blog because you've gotten me off of my rear end and at least practicing again. I know my efforts are juvenile at best, but by having an assignment, so to speak, I am motivated. Your friend's portraits are awesome. I hope she loves them too!

  9. What is so appealing here is the range of expressions. The series is almost a "character sketch"!

  10. Hi!
    All your paintings are superb, period.


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