Wednesday, September 16, 2009

"For the Love of Monet"

9 x 12"
oil on masonite

First - pardon me for two things. The title is corny, I know it. But it's the first thing to pop into my head and I usually go with it. And pardon the absence, I appreciate your frequent visits - I've been creating some fun things for my upcoming 30th high school reunion.
DVD's......soundtracks........posters......... tracking people down, and in between, I paint. It's been busy and fun.

This new piece is a scene from the Art Institute of Chicago - my favorite museum where I should be a week from today. I can't wait. This young couple stands before Monet's London paintings - on the left is 'Houses of Parliament' and on the right is 'Charing Cross Bridge', both showstoppers.

Please click here for a larger view.


  1. I actually LOVE the title. Beautiful work!

  2. Amazing, as usual. Sounds like a super great time coming up regarding the 30th reunion. Woo hoo.

  3. Beautiful. It's also my favorite museum. I used to go every Sunday, while my husband would babysit.

    Enjoy your reunion.

  4. I'd love to hear how you approach your composition (mostly from photographs?). Excellent work.

  5. I'm so blown away by how you can work a theme over and over and keep it as fresh and original as if you had only painted a single museum piece.

  6. Love the title, and wonderful work. This Chicago girl welcomes you to our fair city once again. Enjoy your trip to the Art Institute, and have a blast at the reunion.

  7. Great job on your "paintings of paintings" - you copy them so well. Enjoy the reunion and don't feel bad about your time taken off. Life is short.

  8. I feel So fortunate to have found your blog. I am truly inspired by your work. This painting is fantastic! I to love the name.

  9. Absolutely love this!!! Monet is my favorite artist...would love to be the girl in this :)

  10. A beautiful painting ... actually, it's an intelligent painting. You know what I mean, since you are the artist

  11. this is amazing. i dont even need to say anything else.


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