Sunday, November 29, 2015

Progress and Other Stuff

That's right, I'm painting upside down.  And sideways.

I'm determined to not use my large stand-up easel - I prefer to sit - so I've been painting small portions at a time, working my way down.  It's a hoot.  And it's working.

The hardboard panel is 7 x 24",  I painted an acrylic metallic silver w/a dash of blue mixed in to get a cold ground color - the photos look warmer because of my lighting.  Like my recent painting 'Women In Gold',  I wanted a little shimmering showing thru the oils.

Just wanted to show my progress.

I also spent time completing a new book on my series ArtistZ,  now I'm waiting for my copy to arrive to proof it before I offer it for sale.  And I created a 2016 calendar - inspired by all my recent art history lessons for the series - included are the birthdays of many artists I love.  I think if you're an artist yourself, you'd like it.

Back to work for now ~


  1. Fabulous! It's going to be amazing!

    What kind of pencil do you use for your drawing? Do you have a preference?

  2. I tried out a bunch of my colored pencils until I found one that showed up on the silver. It's a soft colored pencil.

  3. You should find yourself a nice, comfortable bar stool to sit on. I found a nice, folding bar stool at Goodwill some time back and I use it to sit at my stand up easel when I am so inclined. I also fold it up and take with me on the road when I go to an out of town workshop. It's made all the difference.

  4. Thanks for showing us work in progress Karin. It's always helpful. I'm curious what is on the table in the lower photo? Sawdust?

  5. Jewel like. Very precious. Looking forward to seeing it finished.

  6. It's a rag in the foreground, but it does look like sawdust :)

  7. Karin, It's so exciting to see this new painting in progress... it's already stunning! Your attention to the details is extraordinary, always. I've been enjoying your series of A-Z artist paintings, it's wonderful that you're doing a book about them! Your work is inspiring.

  8. Emilie! How cool is this!! I hope you show more of this process but regardless, can't wait to see it finished!


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