Tuesday, January 6, 2015

"First Class Male"

6 x 6"
oil on panel

First, I am hard at work with the paints.  Binge-painting while binge-watching Breaking Bad.  I know I'm late to the party but the show finally clicked with me.   It's most excellent.

I'm working on a grouping of 10, for a small solo show opening late February.  You'll see the paintings sometime close to the opening, which drives me nuts, but that's the deal.

Meanwhile, this new piece features one of my personal favorite paintings by Matisse, the 'Male Nude', which hangs in the Museum of Modern Art in New York City.


  1. Bonjour,

    J'aime beaucoup cette peinture... Je vous souhaite plein de succès lors de vos prochaines expositions...
    Dommage que vous soyez loin, j'aurais bien aimé pouvoir être présente.

    Tous mes bons voeux pour 2015, que cette année soit remplie de petits et grands bonheurs.

    Gros bisous ♡

  2. Karin: Love your paintings, love your blog. I have to tell you that my husband and I JUST finished Breaking Bad last night....OMG. We were hooked. OMG, it was the best. Now I can get some sleep and get productive in the studio!


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