Saturday, January 17, 2015

"200 Faces, No. 146"

4 x 4"
oil on panel

I took a break today from the February show paintings - making great progress.  Largely in part to binge-watching Breaking Bad while painting, which kept me seated all day long.  Great ending by the way.  

This new addition to my ongoing series BUST-ED shows one of my visual obsessions - a face emerging from the dark.


  1. These paintings just get better and better and all in the space of 4" square! I've been such a fan of all your work since I first found you years ago. Keep up the fabulous work!

  2. Do you say'Snap' when two people do the same thing at the same time?

    I've just started 'faces emerging from a dark background.' But as I've only ever painted 5 portraits I have a long way to go to catch your 146.

    Great painting btw

  3. The values and skin tones on this are very elegant and excellent. Beautiful work.


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