Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The Last of the Hilton Head Gang

Now that I'm finished this fun project, I want to explain, one more time, what the Hilton Head Gang is.  I get emails that prove some are confused.  I taught a workshop in Hilton Head last fall and had 19 women join me as well as Vince Fazio, the arts director from Sedona Arts Center, who assists me and the students during the workshop.

One of our days included my demo painting of a police mugshot - afterwards my students painted one of their own, which always proves to be a good learning experience for all.   On the last day, someone came up with the idea of taking mugshots of each other and painting them when we returned home.  If you notice some had a sad, defensive look about them, that was the idea.  As if we just were arrested and booked.  Like my mug.  Some smiled.  So what.  This was for fun and for a continued exercise.

I've really enjoyed painting these - and especially proud that many have done the whole gang.  Check out our blog and look at the slideshows on the right column of each of us - you'll see a remarkable variety of styles.

Below, the redhead is Sheryl, very fun to paint - Sheryl doesn't have a blog yet.  Below her is Sherrie Hilliard, who does.

Also wanted to mention, this fall's workshop in Hilton Head is full, but putting yourself on a waiting list often does work, so don't hesitate to call Vince and do so.  Contact information is on the right column on this blog.

Now it's time for me to get busy with an upcoming show in September.   More soon....

4 x 4"
oil on panel

4 x 4"
oil on panel


  1. I am sorry to see this series end - I just love these portraits!! They are an inspiration.

  2. Un merveilleux panel de portraits... Un véritable régal pour les yeux... J'aime ce que vous avez écrit et l'atmosphère qui a régné dans cet atelier.

    Gros bisous.

  3. So glad you are finishing up the mugs for our group. They are all fabulous. It has been a good exercise artistically, but also trying to stick to a deadline was challenging. Life does get in the way if you let it. I think the members of the gang that finished all the portraits deserve an extra round of applause! Thanks for all your inspiration and especially for your participation. That alone spurred me on and was above and beyond what most instructors would give.
    Kudos Karin


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