Thursday, June 28, 2012

"Going Swimmingly"

6 x 3-7/8"
oil on panel

You may think you know how to paint a figure until something like an elevated view or water distorts it - then you're truly forced to paint what you see and not what you know.  I love the wiggly form of her body under water, very challenging and fun to paint.  An ode to swimming pools that help me tolerate the summers in Georgia.  I think I'll go find one now.


  1. Those blues caught my eye right away. I like the size of your format, too. VERY nice!!

  2. 6 x 3 7/8"'s ? I have always thought 6 x 4". I love the different skin tones depending on the exposure of her body to the sun. Red on the shoulders, brown on the legs and white feet. Love your pool paintings!

  3. Love the way you handled the water and the skin. That foot is great.

  4. Yes, I agree that pale foot emerging from the blue is wonderful.
    Your Hilton Head Gang series is grand; I especially like the last four.

  5. wonderful work...
    so full of life...
    nice style...

  6. fantastic the way you draw the movement of the body in the water!!!!

  7. Yeah- I have tried to depict people in water... difficult to say the least! We have to let go of our assumptions about how the human form is structured and yet again REALLY look at the thing.
    Excellent job Karin!

  8. I was listening this morning to an old 'Artists helping Artists' podcast and there was a lady called Karen Jurik being interviewed. I thought to myself, 'I must check her work out'. So, I did - only to find that I have been following you for a long time already and you've been on my blog list for ever! Anyway - I might be a quiet follower, but just to say, I love your work. And it was a great interview by the way :0)


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