Monday, April 4, 2011

"Wanted Posters"

8 x 10"
oil on masonite

Today I am able to start showing you the new paintings that will be included in my upcoming show titled Just Plain People and a Few of Their Special Companions. The opening reception will be April 21st at the Morris & Whiteside Gallery on Hilton Head Island. Please join me if you can.

I can honestly say painting for this show was a bit of a struggle, timing-wise, with closing up a business in January then agonizing the sickness and death of our dog Petey - just a big transition time. Hard to feel the creativity, hard to concentrate a lot of the time. The trick was to make each day as distraction-free as possible, and oddly enough, I started streaming in the TV show '24', starting with the first year. I painted with my photo to the left of my easel and '24' to the right - and I finally got in a groove. Whatever works.

I focused on 'just plain people' doing the things they do, wherever they found themselves - and added 'a few special companions' - which seemed to bring me great joy as I got to paint one of my favorite subjects. I'm in the stage of envying anyone with a dog, looking forward to the day we adopt again.

With each post, I'll include a detail that I particularly like about the painting - hope you all enjoy the new pieces.

Starting with the above painting, a gentleman window-browsing on a fall evening on King Street in Charleston, South Carolina.


Please click here for a larger view.


  1. Very nice painting! Congrats on the exhibition.

  2. So excited to see your new works. This one does not disappoint. Love the light from the window illuminating his face.
    Only you are talented enough to watch TV and paint at the same time. Funny!

  3. Love your loose style. Really wonderful.

  4. Karen, can't wait to see these at the gallery. Sorry we can't make to the opening but will see them in May.

  5. The whole exhibit is beautiful! To think you did all this great work while going through all you did is just very inspirational. You're a trooper and an incredible artist!

  6. Look forward to seeing all of these new pieces!

  7. Luminous window display and the guy's glasses are super.

  8. Didn't get to 'looking' yet Karin, just completely relating to your loss of Petey, mine was Dax my cat (who thought he was a dog) of 18 years, still miss him... BUT we'll do what we do and keep painting. You know you're amazing! And if you don't, I'm one who thinks you are. Always love your work! Hugs!

  9. LOVE this one. Beautiful light, great image. Love it.

    Thanks for sharing


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