Tuesday, April 5, 2011

"Daddy's Little Girl"

8 x 8"
oil on masonite

Included in my upcoming show Just Plain People and a few of their special companions - a seemingly perfect match enjoying an afternoon at Bryant Park in New York City.

I love the hands, so daunting to do.


Please click here for a larger view.


  1. Oh, I absolutely LOVE this painting, and the title really makes it!

    I'll look forward to seeing this newest series unfold here on your blog. It looks like you have successfully overcome the rough spots that make it a challenge to get into the studio at times. Good for you!

  2. Wonderful! I am enjoying seeing your latest works. They are fabulous and love this guy. I have dog envy also:) Take care and keep 'em coming!

  3. Hilarious title! Can't wait for the rest.

    Yay for the dogs who got you back into your studio; I told you they would.

    People do look like their dogs. Lucky for them.

  4. beautiful strokes and details....I love the title and the composition ...simply beautiful

  5. This is gorgeous! Such details in an 8x8. Love the companion - so perfect!

  6. Had a good chuckle when I opened this thumbnail up. So funny how owners and dogs can sometimes favor. They both look a bit grouchy. I so love your brushwork in this!

  7. I'm wondering if you get permission or have subjects sign a release when you paint them. I'd like to take more photos of people, but feel a bid intimidated if I get too close.
    Looking forward to your show here in Hilton Head.


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