Thursday, April 14, 2011

"Sunny Side Up"

7 x 5"
oil on masonite

Included in my upcoming show Just Plain People - opening next Thursday night at the Morris & Whiteside Galleries in Hilton Head - a painting to hang next to your deck as a reminder of just where you ought to be, basking in the sunshine with a good book.


Please click here for a larger view.


  1. This is just beautiful. You would make Rubens proud. The skin tones, light and shadow are just wonderful on the figure. And you did it on a 5x7, wow!

  2. Repos et lecture sur les dunes de la plage superbement réalisé!

  3. OK, Karin, how'd you get that photo of ME? :)
    Kidding... but I love, love, love the gorgeous thighs and legs on this figure!

  4. Haha Kelley, I was just thinking these look like MY legs! Just fabulous skin tones and shadow and light as usual Karin. I am sure this show will be a success!


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