Sunday, April 4, 2010

"Santa Cruz de Tenerife"

5 x 7"
oil on masonite

And now for something completely different.......... a street in Santa Cruz de Tenerife on the Canary Islands - inspired by this month's Virtual Paintout. The reference photograph was captured from Google Map's street view. It was great fun to paint.


  1. I usually don't comment here; just enjoying your mastery is enough. But this is so delightfully different from the rest. Its abstract look is very appealing!

  2. I love this. The colors and the shapes are so exciting. WTG!

  3. Love these colors! It really has an abstract quality that I like. Nice job!!

  4. the opaque colors really capture the mood of the place

  5. It's inspiring when one looks at the source photograph to appreciate how you have created this picture.
    You have shown what a inventive imagination can do and turned the mundane into the beautiful.

  6. Having just got back from tenerife, I must say that you have really captured the bright light on the island.

  7. Wonderful! I was in Santa Cruz over New Year and can confirm that you've captured it beautifully - the colours, the climbing and wonky streets, the flashes of green landscape peeping through the buildings. And all from Gogle, boy oh boy!

  8. Gorgeous piece, Karin! So glad you are participating in the VPO!

  9. Very nice. Love the bold strokes!

  10. Hey, it must've been so fun for you to be on the other end of this Karin! Wonderful painting, love the palette.

    Of course now you've really done it, Bill thought it was getting busy in his neck of the woods before...

  11. Wow, wow - this is gorgeous! And from Google Street View? Wonderful!

  12. I love the abstract look and the vibrant colours. Nice work.

  13. Fantastic! Beautiful abstract rhythm to this piece.

    I got so caught up in my tour of the Canary Islands that I never made a painting!


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