Thursday, April 1, 2010


6 x 6"
oil on masonite

Ode to April - I'm glad you're here.

This gentlemen is in charge of keeping the Central Baptist Church fresh and colorful - from Charleston, South Carolina.


  1. Superb painting, Karin! What a fabulous mood it sets too!

  2. This is wonderful. I love your clever title!!!

  3. I've been browsing back thru your past postings with admiration..your work is stunning, as usual. It fascinates me how the apparent simplicity of your strokes belie the difficulty in being able to achieve that effect. Realism, rhythm and spirit, distilled to its essence.

  4. wonderful color contrasts.

    I have a fun current fun post on the color yellow on my blog, Empty Nest Evolution. Our Theme Thursday group changes subjects weekly. We did red about 2 mos ago and it was surprisingly interesting and more pertinent to this painting. You can write about anything relevant but I'm the only one choosing to research the colors. I'm now ready to take a color theory class!

  5. Painterly has taken my breath away! One of the many things I love about this one is the variety of color blocks behind the subject, variety of size and color; WOW!

  6. lovely, especially to honor the working man with a portrait. The painter capturing the painter- fantastic!


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