Wednesday, March 24, 2010

My Good Friend Karen

My good friend Karen Hollingsworth is one of the hardest working artists I'll ever know - same with her husband Neil. Every so often, we'll get together just because we need to get out of the studio and act like regular people - something I always look forward to.

This Friday night at Mason Murer Fine Art in Atlanta, Karen's new paintings will be featured in a group show - if you're in the area, please join the party. Below is one of my personal favorites.

Elephant Beach
by Karen Hollingsworth


  1. I hadn't realized that Karen also paints in a photorealistic style as does her husband. Though the two still have separate and distinct styles. I'm sure you will be attending the show and will have a great time! Congrats to your friend, Karen, Karin!

  2. I have seen Karen's work and have found it to be absolutely wonderful! She really captures light! You can tell from her paintings that she has put a lot of work into becoming the fine artist that she is. I love Elephant Beach!! Wish I could be in Atlanta and see her show! Beam me up, Scotty! :-)

  3. Ha! she has added elephants and playfulness since I last spied her work. Loved the paper bags!


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