Tuesday, March 23, 2010

"Back to the Future"

9 x 12"

Painting people viewing art is a favorite theme of mine, noticeably, and there's a couple reasons why - the opportunity to continue painting humans of all sizes, heights, races, ages, in a still moment is first and foremost - the reproducing of paintings that span decades is not only big fun, it teaches me a lot about color, composition and techniques - and once in a while, I happen on a perfect marriage of personalities with the featured art - like this young couple in front of the very iconic, most-recognized painting in the Art Institute - "American Gothic" by Grant Wood.

Please click here for a larger view.


  1. You are so good at getting the gestures of people! And it pulls together with the folds of their clothes. Very nice!!

  2. Excellent painting, it really gives me cause to ponder what the viewers are thinking by their posture.

  3. This one is phenomenal, Karin. I didn't realize 'American Gothic' was right here in my backyard. Your comments relating to Chicago's AI museum has me jonesing to go. I am going on a Wednesday, not today but hopefully in 3 weeks (I have a couple of classes for the next two and today I just do not have the $18 to get in! LOL). I aim to spend the whole day by myself there, sketchbook in hand, even if just to take notes!

  4. I love this. The whole series in the museum is so fun!

  5. Thursday nights are free at the museum, for those who would be interested.

  6. Even when the subjects aren't perfectly married, you marry them with your oh so creative titles, an area where lots of artists are lacking and you excel!

  7. Excellent! A nice mix of phenomenal painting, humorous anecdote and irony. No wonder it's already sold...



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