Thursday, October 1, 2009

"Hat's Off"

6 x 6"
oil on masonite

I am back home and picking up where I left off - enjoying these smaller, more-painterly pieces of bench sitters. I made it to my 30th high school reunion - a weekend I won't likely forget. It was incredible.

More new paintings to come - I'm back in the game.


  1. Great bench sitters. Glad your reunion was super too.

  2. wonderful posture of both people especially the man on the right. and beautiful handling of lights. r.

  3. I love the bench sitter series...There is just something so...I can't think of the word I am looking for...Anyway, the walls behind these two look fabulous as well. So glad you made it to your reunion, Karin. I had my 30th in '07. It was fun. So sorry you weren't able to get up to the AI though. One of these days I need to get up there myself!

  4. Hi Karen,
    I love your bench sitters designs.

  5. Great darks and lights contrasts. I like how the body postures are so telling in their attitudes. I wonder what the guy on the left is thinking.
    Great painting, Karin.

  6. Your paintings of people are so expressive without all of the fussy details. I'd love to study your technique. They're beautiful.


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