Monday, March 30, 2009

"Summer V"

4 x 4"
oil on masonite

These little pieces are good for my lifelong quest to understand the color blue.


  1. these painting are amazing, amzaing, amazing. I love getting your daily updates

  2. Like the smaller area of warmth against all that cool.

  3. Hello! I am very fond of your paintings and I would love to ask you a few questions about one of them. I'm studying modern art and I'm going to write a paper about reading art. I would like to use one of your paiting like an example, if it's okej with you? If you would like to help me by answering some questions I can write down my e-mail. ( I hope you can understand my poor english :) ) /Amanda

  4. To study blue--what a wonderfully enchanting quest.
    These are (as always) lovely, Karin. I think your beach scenes are my favorite of all your subjects. Your love of painting them comes across.
    thanks for sharing,


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