Sunday, February 4, 2018

"Drama Queen"

8 x 24"
oil on panel

Of all the paintings by John Singer Sargent, this one, which I got to see in person, blew me away like no other - depicting the famous Shakespearean actress Dame Ellen Terry as Lady Macbeth. 

Sargent attended the production of Macbeth at the London Lyceum and immediately wanted to paint the actress and convinced her to sit for him.  His pose of Terry holding a crown on her head, after the murder of Duncan, the Scottish king, didn't happen in the play, but he wanted a dramatic pose, concentrating on her intense gaze and that spectacular costume of green and blue embroidered silk.

Ellen Terry as Lady Macbeth hangs in the Tate Britian.

My new painting will be included in the upcoming solo show Sargentology  opening March 2nd at the Robert Lange Studios.

Please click here for a larger view.


  1. Another show stopper Karin!! Beautiful! I wish I could see it in person.

  2. I LOVE that painting, too! I saw it several times while I lived in England. One time they had moved it to a special room for a presentation, so you could sit and watch the performance with the painting behind it. They had the Actual GOWN there too!! It has beetle wings embroidered on it so you get that iridescence. The painting is larger than life.

  3. You simply never fail to amaze Karin. I almost love the titles as much as I do your wonderful paintings. Roswitha


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