Wednesday, October 18, 2017

"200 Faces, No. 153"

4 x 4"
oil on panel

A new addition to my ongoing series BUST-ED.


  1. Oh my gosh I recognised this person immediately. Bravo! I LOVE what you are doing here...

  2. Now Karin , that is GREAT but it makes me sick to look at IT/HER ! Thanks for BUSTED !

  3. OMG! I absolutely agree with all of the comments. I hope you do these quickly so you don't suffer too much brain and eye strain! I appreciate your skill in making this fit the preemptive muggee. :)

  4. I LOOOVE IT! Great addition to your Bust-ed collections! Can’t wait to see them all! I love the orange jumpsuits!

  5. You really made her personality shine through! Whenever I hear the phrase "the banality of evil", this image will come to mind.
    Thank you for your beautiful work Karin. I wish I owned one.
    John Kaay


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