Tuesday, July 25, 2017

"Call It a Night"

10 x 10"
oil on panel

If you have a bucket list, add seeing the painting Nighthawks by Edward Hopper in the Art Institute of Chicago.  

Hopper's iconic painting done in 1942 is one of the most recognizable paintings in American art.  Hopper and his wife Jo attended an exhibit of paintings by Henri Rousseau at the Museum of Modern Art - about a month after Nighthawks was hung in a New York gallery - and in attendance was Daniel Catton Rich, the director of the Art Institute of Chicago and Alfred Barr, the director of MOMA.  Jo told Barr he just had to go see Edward's new painting Nighthawks.  It was Rich who went to see it shortly after and purchased it for $3000 and the painting has hung in the Art Institute ever since.

Please click here for a larger view.

1 comment:

  1. This is fun, a wonderful painting Karin - great title! We were able to see and ponder (love it so much!) this painting at a special show at the Whitney before the museum moved. Thank you for the story about it being purchase for the Art Institute.


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