Wednesday, November 16, 2016

"The Hill"

6 x 8"
oil on panel

There is so much I'd like to express.

But this is my painting blog. 

Art does soothe the soul when it's needed most.

I've just returned from a trip to visit family and spent an afternoon soothing my soul in the National Gallery of Art in Washington DC.  As I crossed Constitution Avenue on my walk back to the car from the museum, I stopped to admire our newly-renovated, unscaffolded Capitol Building.  


  1. Used to follow your blog, then lost it, then found it again. Happy me. Anyway, I love the paintings of people looking at paintings, my favorite is the Chuck Close. Dang! I'm an artist myself (just drawings, not paintings), am a Georgia transplant from Kansas living in Newnan, you know south of I-20 where it's REALLY a red state. Just wanted you to know you are not alone in your feelings about you-know-who (I cant bring myself to say his name) becoming president. I put you at the top of my blog list so I won't lose you again. Peace

  2. Love the painting of the capitol -- wonderful to see the scaffolding off! I was lucky enough to be a part of an art group that got tickets to the new Smithsonian National Museum of African American Historical and Culture - came back with renewed admiration and faith in our ability to carry on the fight for all citizens of USA and the world as a whole. This is the topic of my recent post - yet to pick up my pencils and paint brushes - hope to shake off the depression soon!


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