Monday, April 8, 2013

"200 Faces, No. 118"

6 x 6"
oil on panel

A new addition to my ongoing series BUST-ED, and slightly larger than the usual 4" square - this particular face persuaded me to try something different.  I painted a brown/black (oil) over the white ground and proceeded to bring out the highlights by removing the dark with my brush dipped in Gamsol.  It took a while to get used to how to use the brush, wet, dry, scrubbed, washed, etc.  Tricky.
Near the completion, I added a slight warm-grey into areas as well.  I love it.


  1. Votre personnage a une très belle expression rempli de douceur...
    Très beau portrait.
    gros bisous

  2. What a wonderful way to apply paint! And you did it so well! Great job. It still has that KJ touch! Love it.

  3. This one, in particular, has much personality!

  4. Great Technique! love the limited feel of it!

  5. *o* magnifique portrait!! i dare!!


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