Wednesday, July 25, 2012

"Pigeon Point"

6 x 6"
oil on panel

I might have sworn never to paint a lighthouse, but it's silly to vow I'll never paint any subject because I'll eventually come around to it.  It does make for a sweet, little painting.

This is the Pigeon Point Lighthouse along Highway 1, the Pacific Coast Highway, between Carmel and San Francisco, California.


  1. So many have… We are all entitled to our own versions of beautiful places. And I haven’t seen a lighthouse yet that wasn’t overlooking a beautiful shore.

  2. Hey, you're in my neck of the woods! I used to live directly across the PCH from that lighthouse. I hope you get to paint all over that area, it's amazing! Beautiful painting!

  3. Karin, I love how you depicted the rocks in this one -- and the waves -- and the sky -- oh, and of course the Lighthouse!!! Can you tell I LOVE it?

  4. Love your work! Hey, I used to live in Atlanta too.

  5. Love your style so much..your colors..composition,,so painterly..making a lighthouse look so good..not easy....I must take a workshop with you..hear wonderful things from your followers

  6. Mesmerizing. I am transported. Love it.


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