Thursday, March 18, 2010

"Modern Love"

12 x 12"

With this new painting, again, the minimal background brings more attention to the figures - and especially dressed in black, the man and woman have a graceful, interesting, united form. I love the interlocking fingers ....

and the wispy edges all around both shapes ......

and the legs, which are all about body language.

Please click here for a larger view.


  1. I really like the diamond shape behind the figures. :)

  2. Striking composition, Karin! Love it!

  3. Karin - what a treat for us to see you posting again. This has really been a successful month for you and well worth the wait for us!
    I really love all your paintings, but this one just has to my favorite so far. Elegant, refined. Still loss and lively. AND such a story behind those paintings...

  4. I just love this one. I feel such a connection. You captured a very real moment.

  5. I seriously just can't get enough of your work. This one is perfect, the shapes, colors, and connections. Wow.

  6. Love this one Karin, especially the casualness you have captured in the couples hand-holding, it tells a whole story about their relationship. And as always, your brushwork is so compelling, these new pieces are terrific, and I love how you're sharing them one at a time with your insights.

  7. This is beautiful, Karin! The palette is exquisite, the couple looks fabulous! Oddly enough, this is one of my favorites!

  8. I'm touched by your painting(s). I'm also touched by your comment of the interlocking fingers.

  9. Wow, to draw and paint like you--how incredible. I've been drawing my entire life but am no way near your art level. I think you are truly very very gifted. One of the bests painters Ive seen in blog land or anywhere. I love this. I love the sereneness with the incredible painterly feel.

  10. this is the best thing i've seen all year. gorgeous.

  11. I have come back time and time again and there is something that is just a thing a beauty- the movement and rhythm in the ladies' legs is just a wonder to behold!


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