Sunday, March 21, 2010

"Abstract Thought"

14 x 6"

I'm not a great fan of abstract expressionism, with an exception to Franz Kline's work - which seems to have a hold on me when I find myself in a room with his paintings. I think they're handsome mostly - easy to digest. And I've longed to include one in my own painting.

I can't say this one came easy for me - I knew what I wanted - a somewhat graphic, stark quality using the least of color and mostly enjoying the warm/cool whites and blacks. I spent a long day on the first attempt, only to deem it a failure. It wasn't what I had envisioned. It sat beside me for weeks - untouched - and one day I picked it up and started over - this time without a preconceived vision. And it worked. Lesson learned.

I think my favorite features are the three elements - the Kline painting, because I got to play with subtle, jazzy edges of colors on the black shapes ....

... the figure, for it's stark black areas and multi-whites marrying with the Kline.....

....and that far-right, abstract shape - an area I was so sure should be filled with more details, until I realized it wasn't necessary.

Please click here for a larger view.


  1. Hi Karen, been following your fantastic blog for a while but this is the first time I've commented.
    This is a stunning composition and I just love the close up of the edges in the Kline. The buyer is one very lucky person. :-)

  2. Incredible painting indeed and I agree with your take on things here.

  3. HI Karin,
    I have been reading your blog but have never posted before. I am in love with this series of figures viewing an art gallery. I am so curious as to how you paint them--do you go to the gallery and paint a quick study with models? Do you make these from sketches and they don't know you are there? I am curious because the figures seem like they don't really know you are painting them--very successful and unposed, very natural compositions.

  4. This is really a wonderful painting! I also like how you share your process and thoughts on your paintings. I continue to learn. Thanks!

  5. Hi Karen, I like, the other commentors, have followed your blog for a long time, but don't post. I wanted to say thank you for including some close-ups of your recent paintings. Your brush strokes are magnificant and I love the ability to see them up close and personal.

  6. I am a fan of abstract expressionism and this painting is simply beautiful. I agree! The buyer is one lucky person. What a treasure. Way to go Karen!

  7. Awesone, the concept and composition are wonderful.


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