Thursday, January 21, 2010

"Close Encounter"

3 x 11"
oil on masonite

After a nine hour stretch of painting today, I caught a second wind and jumped right into this. Here's the thing - I ended the last piece with a palette that looked like it had its run - a thousand blended color combinations with no spare room - and I just can't pass it up because every color I would want was right there. I love that. And it's liberating to work fast and furious with a fat, spent brush - especially after a marathon of paintings that took days. I imagine a chef, who creates entrees all day, loves to come home to whipping up scrambled eggs and toast. Same thing.

Quick mention ...... I am holding a workshop in May, in New York City and there is one opening left - a student switched over to next May, when I'll be doing the same thing. I think it'll be a great experience, so if you are interested in signing up, click here for the details.


  1. NINE hours of painting? And now this - Amazing!

  2. Love the colours.She looks beautiful.
    I am missing DSDF.

  3. I really like this piece, Karin. She just looks so everyday with her clothes and bag...I also find myself wondering at the painting she is viewing.

  4. Love your comments and your titles! It's a pleasure to get your blog. Thank you for sharing your talents this way! This painting makes me wish I lived in NY again.

  5. Wonderful piece. Appears you had a great time doing it also.

  6. I often think of myself as a chef while painting~ there are so many parallels. And this is a yummy painting!

  7. My favorite part of this is her hair...the subtle blues in the hair. Nice work and nice to hear your painting for nine hours! Well done!

  8. Wow 9 hours of painting is intense! Love the shape the painting,as well as the lighting..

    Do you have any workshops later in the summer? I'd be very interested!

  9. When I'm "done" painting I like to mix down my palette into half a dozen colors to save for next time. I get some really beautiful shades that way. It sometimes inspires me to keep going, but I don't know if I could knock out a whole new painting...very nice!

  10. I love your paintings, you have a great eye - they look so effortlessly done!

  11. Love it! The unique format, the palette, her stance and especially the blue in her hair!

  12. Very nice, and only 3 inches wide! Gorgeous colors, and I love the cross-hatch brush strokes on the floor and on her pants, and that touch of blue mixed in her blond hair. Just right.

  13. Hi Karin!.... Love the painterly...spontaneous quality of your figure work! "You" really pulled out all of the stops on this one! When in "The Flow!... GOOOOO!

    Well worth the push and shove! "I" enjoy visiting your site!

    Bruce Sherman

  14. Your work continues to amaze me.....thanks for the inspiration to keep on painting!

  15. Thank you Karin for taking a leader ship role for the Arts. Your work is really alive. I have always liked Edward Hopper and you remind me of him in a different time. Thank you. I was lucky enough to buy "Close Encounter." and can't wait till I can see it. Thank you! MIke Wolfe.

  16. Do you make it alla prima, and do you have a reference photos for these portraits?
    They look very spontaneous...

  17. That purple-y umber bag has been in the back of my head for weeks! Of course its the blues and yellows that make it work, but that is one luscious bit of color work!

  18. Chuckling here, since I visited this painting in Chicago on Friday. Love the skinny cropping.


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