Monday, November 2, 2009

"A Dose of Zen"

5 x 5"
oil on masonite

Owning a business can be gratifying at times. And sometimes the weight of responsibility can suck the life out of you. A hefty repair bill was my dose of reality today, wondering how, in this age of operating at a bare-bones capacity, I'm going to pay for it. I've had better days. So I came straight home, made a pot of strong coffee and got lost in my paints. A dose of Zen.


  1. Oooo, my two favorite indulgences, Art and Coffee. Sorry about your repair blues, it must be a whopper of a break down. Good luck with it all.

  2. You have a great work in special the way you shape the color with brush.
    Best regards from Portugal

  3. Well, it looks like you channeled your energy in the right place :) I really LOVE your style! good luck

  4. wonderfully lushy
    love the daring compostition, sort of a birds-eye view.

  5. Zen is always good to sooth the nerves, very nice painting and love your composition.

  6. So sorry to hear about that large repair bill, Karin. I know quite well how bills can suck the life out of one. Sending you virtual hugs and hope for today.

  7. Amen to that- escape to the paints. It is what I do too...I get lost in my landscapes and my head is in "a different place" for a while. The real world is still there, but it's nice for the mental get-away. I'm still enjoying receiving your emailed paintings & enjoying the 2 that I own! Cheers to you, keep up the wonderful work!!

  8. Glad to see you painted anyhow - the painting is rich!!! And I hope your large bill will be behind you soon.

  9. Seems like everyone I know is having uncharacteristic financial challenges right now. bummer...but we'll all get through this. At least food isn't rationed like it was in our grandparents day!

  10. I love the swish of ochre in the coffee. It gives great dimension in one brushstroke which is what you do best!

  11. This rich cup of warm coffee looks so good this morning. Coincidentally, I just sat down to look up contractors to fix a leak and came to your wonderful site as my procrastination. Beautiful use of warm and cool colors. Lori Margulies


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