Monday, November 16, 2009


5 x 7"
oil on masonite

You would know I don't normally paint figures like this young woman - frankly, it isn't something you would usually see while walking through a city. I happened to be in Washington Park, in Charleston, watching some plein-air painters - and a local artist, Rhett Thurman, had arranged for a model to pose for her. Wishing I had my paints with me, I could only wonder how I would approach this. As goofy as it sounds, with a photo as my guide, I pretended I was in the park and just went for it - staying as loose as possible.


  1. Karin, this is breathtaking. Love it. What a beautiful rendering.

  2. Beautiful backlighting and I love your strokes - it all ties together so well!

  3. Stunning. I always appreciate your great facility with figures and confident brushwork, but this piece is, well, stunning.

  4. Very exciting and full of light. Sigh......

  5. This is a truly beautiful painting, Karin. I am not quite sure why, but I am reminded of Renoir as well. Simply gorgeous and I love how you have caught the sunlight in the umbrella skin.

  6. quite delightful Karen, the loose brushwork is excellent here. r.

  7. This is a brilliant piece of work!

  8. Exceptional, Karin!! This stands out in a crowd!

  9. This one's a beauty, Karin. The light is wonderful.
    love it.

  10. Superb!!! The lighting is just amazing.

  11. It's beautiful, because you know what you're doing and how to get there even if you aren't on scene.


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