Saturday, April 6, 2013

"200 Faces, No. 117"

4 x 4"
oil on panel

Oh happy day when painting comes easy.  The one before this, I spent about 4 hours on, didn't quite finish, went to bed, came back to it the next morning, spent another 2ish hours on it then wiped it off in total frustration.  I was so sure it was a winner and poof, it was gone.  Every day is a learning process.

Part of my ongoing series BUST-ED.


  1. Glad to know a wonderful painter like you has days like that! I understand the "poof" thing completely!

  2. Another great portrait. I really like how you have captured the expression and the glasses are just fab.

  3. Thanks so much Karen, for posting about your frustration. Friday w like that for me too, and I just couldn't BELIEVE how awful it was! Makes me feel better that even you have days like this. Al's well that ends well, as yours did.

  4. Très joli travail des nuances e couleurs dans ce portrait...
    Gros bisous

  5. So true, somedays it just comes easier than others. I guess we need difficulty at times to force us to grow. I love your faces series! They are all so lovely!!


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