Tuesday, March 12, 2013

"Winter Color"

6 x 6"
oil on panel

I haven't painted many flowers in the past - but I've been stuck and the best remedy I know is to paint something unfamiliar.  And it's a deep appreciation for some bursts of color during gray, winter days.


  1. Un merveilleux travail de lumière sur cette peinture... Vos couleurs sont juste ! comme j'aime.
    Gros bisous

  2. And how I love those burst of color. This is a wonderful painting.

  3. HellYeah!!
    It's a beautiful burst of color, indeed.

    We all need it and flowers & plants are
    just what the doctor ordered.

  4. And just in time! I needed to see flowers - I've had enough of winter!! This is just beautiful!

  5. My earlier comment may have been "too much"
    for the comment board...
    lol....this is really lovely...I think you are
    now unstuck in spite of a long winter!

  6. Such a beauty...reminds me of the Peonies in our back yard where I grew up...though this looks like a rose to me. It's the same color as our Peonies were. Hope you're unstuck now.


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