Tuesday, January 8, 2013

"Book Club"

5 x 5"
oil on panel

The surface you paint on can determine the outcome or effect.  Personally, I detest canvas.  I feel like I'm pushing the paint into the surface - it's like buttering a cold waffle.  So I prefer smooth, hard boards - like spreading warm butter on a warm pancake if you will.

I had this little panel I had painted black, but there was a bumpy texture, kinda sandpaper-like and I wanted that rougher texture for the steps and it worked out pretty well.

You certainly can't nit-pick with details and it kept me loose.  And I like that.

From Central Park in New York City on a summer day.


  1. Is she reading to the bird? I love the pink in this piece.
    Loved your of comparison of painting surfaces and buttering waffles. Funny and true. I don't like buttering cold waffles or cold waffles but I do like some texture on my paint surfaces. Linen!!

  2. I agree with you about canvas.
    I like it for my larger paintings, but when I do the smaller, glass paintings I long for a smooth surface. But I really don't know what to use! Is it just primed MDF you use? I can never find smooth boards in the art stores!

  3. Look for prepared gessoed hardboard. You'll find smooth and slightly textured. You can always sand the surface to make it even more smooth.

  4. Thanks Karin. I appreciate the advice! I will definitely try to get hold of some :0)

  5. I love this. The color is delicious...as delicious as warm butter on a hot pancake.

  6. It worked out mighty well! I love this one. Who'd a thought that you could leave off the head and create a wonderful composition! I love the colors, the texture, and the composition.

  7. Très intéressant pour la technique.
    Bonne journée.

  8. Thanks for your comments about painting surfaces. I like the gessoboard surface for small paintings, and I like canvas for larger ones. Whatever works!

  9. Figurative paintings like this is why I decided to follow your blog. I like you original point of view and strong use of color. Excellent.

  10. Love your painting! I kinda like the way the head is cut off, the composition works really well. I agree with your opinion on surfaces, anything under 8x10 on canvas is an exercise in frustration for me!

  11. Well, that just cracked me up. Of course that is what is feels like! I will never again paint on canvas without thinking about butter and cold waffles!

  12. Nice one Karin. I've been using those foam brushes to lay on the gesso and sanding some but not trying to get everything out. Used to use those 3inch paint rollers that gives some nice texture. Nice to have some texture in areas to get an effect.



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