Monday, November 5, 2012

Live, Work & Play Time

My apologies for not posting during the past two weeks.  By the time we arrived in Hilton Head - after days of packing and go-go-go,  I just removed myself from the real world including my iPad, email, laptop, phone and took a long, deep breath and relaxed for a change.

 our little slice of heaven

 Our Beach Boys - Zac and Joey

A couple of days later our friends, Karen and Neil Hollingsworth, joined us for a much-needed break from the routine.

 Brett and Karen

 Brett, the dogs and Neil

After they left, the weather reports started coming in about Sandy, and for a while, we weren't sure if we were in the path of the storm - just glued to the ever-changing news and hoping for the best.  I was mainly concerned about my workshop students who were on their way - turned out everyone arrived safe and sound during the weekend which was a great relief.

 rougher seas

The workshop started last Monday, I was joined by my assistant, Kelli, from the Sedona Arts Center and twenty-one of the most warm, friendly, eager and talented women - five which came back for another round.  I knew after the first day how very lucky I was to have such a great group of broads and they made my week so enjoyable.  Thanks to all who spent the week with me, I am recharged and more motivated than ever.

 my gals hard at work

 an exercise painting mugshots

 immersed in our stuff, enjoying the paints

It needs to be said - being at the beach for two weeks, watching the sun rise right outside my window every morning and the moon rise every evening to wish us a good night's sleep - being in the company of strong, fabulous women who love to paint and talk about art - sharing my down-time with the guy and the pups I love so much - knowing the storm and that mighty sea we walked beside every day reeked havoc in many lives and destroyed those homes they've worked hard to build and nurture - it was humbling and a profound reminder of how grateful we are for being back home safe and sound and having each other.

Peace to All

Please donate to the Red Cross today and help all those affected by Sandy.


  1. Une bien jolie publication... Il est bon parfois de créer une rupture avec le téléphone, les ordinateurs et toutes choses qui nous créent des obligations...
    Je suis heureuse que vous et vos amis aillent bien. Une pensée particulière à toutes les familles sinistrées après le passage de cet ouragan.
    Gros bisous à vous.

  2. such a great week...loved re-living it through your blog!

  3. SO sorry to have missed the 'reunion', Karin! I know everyone must be so happy to have spent that week with you. It hardly seems a year since I was there, and I remember it so vividly. Thank you so much for your generous attitude, may you be overflowing with students and customers forevermore.

  4. It was a fantastic week, Karin, and I enjoyed every minute of it. We had the best group of ladies-- who came to paint and learn together. I loved how we all bonded together. No attitudes, and no cliques, just positive energy! Thank you for all that you do to inspire each of us. You are very special!!!

  5. Great post! So fun to see images of the family and your digs. And the workshop looks awesome.Thanks for sharing.

  6. I've loved reading everyone's blogs about the wonderful week they had in your workshop. How could it not be wonderful? I'm so glad Sandy left y'all alone and it looks like you got the bonus of dramatic, pounding waves. I'm anxiously awaiting the outpouring of paintings produced last week. Blessings to you, Brett, & the pups.

  7. So sorry I missed this fantastic week! It sounds like so much fun. And I definitely need to have a fix of your inspiration and knowledge! Thanks for your post - next best thing to being there.

  8. So good to hear you were missed by Sandy and that your travels were safe and happy! Wish I could make it one fo these days-I will someday. And while we missed your posts, I know for myself, sometimes we need a break! Love your blog, glad your back!

  9. pretty amazing views! Lots of light and very good feeling. Thanks for sharing with us.


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