Sunday, August 26, 2012

"Figure 1"

5 x 7"
oil on panel

I absolutely love figure drawing and miss going to sessions with models - it's been years.  There are a couple of websites that provide figures in multitudes of poses, with clothes and without - it's a great means to practicing painting or drawing the human body.   Charley Parker has a good article about this on Lines & Colors if you're interested.  This study was done from one of the poses on this site - which is free for artists and survives on donations.  It's good exercise, I'd highly recommend it.

I don't have a clever title, I thought I'd do more in the future, starting with this new piece. 


  1. Beautifully done! Wow- Each painting you do amazes me:) Thanks for sharing the info. You were very much on my mind today as I worked on some value studies of a golfer! Going to look your links up and get back at it! Thanks Karin! Hope you are well friend:)

  2. Thank you for the information on the models. I also love to paint the figure, but don't have the time to go to workshops.This will be a great tool!

  3. Thanks for the reminder Karin. I used to do these BMS !(before my stroke!:))
    I love the figure too. It is hard! Great job!

  4. Thanks for the tip on the figure website - invaluable to art.


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