Friday, July 27, 2012

"Happy Little Clouds in Iowa"

4 x 4"
oil on panel

After a long day of painting something a bit tighter,  I took a cue from the beloved Bob Ross and painted happy, little clouds in Iowa.

And now, for your moment of Zen....


(it's not what you expect and don't forget to turn up the volume)


  1. Love Bob Ross...and love this happy little painting!

  2. : ) When my son was a toddler, watching Bob's painting show was his FAVORITE thing to do. haha : ) He's so calm and friendly.

    threadpainting in Canada

  3. Karin, I am always amazed at how much you can squeeze onto a tiny 4x4 panel. This is definitely a happy little painting! Thanks for the nod to Bob Ross -- for many of us, he was the first inspiration to pick up the paint brush.

  4. And they ARE so happy! Hence I am too for viewing them. Thank you!

  5. Hello Karen:) That is a very young Bob Ross :) Although I'm not using acrylics I always watch his programs together with my hubby. He always ask: "Can you do it like him". Hmmmm
    I love your painting. I love the clouds and the rest of the scene. Beautiful!!

  6. Funny, I just watched this the other day on Youtube. Bob Ross really did inspire a lot of people to paint including me!
    All the best, Karin.

  7. Love love love the video! Thanks Karin.
    Your work is always inspiring. Have a wonderful creative week.


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